
Welcome to This is my Hungry Face!

My name is Theresa and I'm a 20-something healthy living enthusiast living in Maryland with my boyfriend. While I spend my 9-5 at my desk job to pay the bills, I spend the rest of my time pursuing my true passions: food, nutrition, exercise and health. I was driven to start a blog because of my interests, but the title was inspired by something the boyfriend calls my hungry face. It usually appears after trips to the gym or a long afternoon of running errands, and the boyfriend is usually extremely quick to remedy the situation. If hungry face isn't appeased, it usually leads to cranky pants syndrome. I've learned that leaving a few emergency snacks in my purse is probably the best bet to avoid this situation.

To be honest, I haven't always been the healthiest person. At the beginning of my senior year of college, I hit a point in my life where I knew I needed to make a change in order to be truly happy with myself. I started paying close attention to food and exercise, and by the time I graduated from college, I had lost 55 pounds and felt amazing.

Upon meeting the boyfriend and starting graduate school the following fall, I put exercise and healthy eating on the back burner. I was unable to find the balance between love, health, and school, and my body paid for it. I kept looking for quick fixes even though I knew that I needed to find a lifestyle rather than a diet. I started following the Weight Watchers plan again at the start of my second year of graduate school (which also coincided with moving in with the boyfriend). Since then, I have been able to maintain a healthy balance between health and love (the stress of school has since been removed from the picture thanks to graduation). 

I'm not an expert on food or nutrition., but I pride myself in being willing to learn and find new information that will help me. I hope that this blog can be a resource for readers, but also a resource to me so that I can learn from others. This is a journey that benefits so greatly from the support and sense of community that is gained through bloggers and readers.

Please feel free to contact me at thisismyhungryface@gmail.com!